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I feel so lucky to have gotten to see Roxanne Gay speak in person, and to have been able to speak with her privately and take photos. My classmate, KC, and I sat in the front row so that we could get the best view. All that was on stage was a beat-up looking couch with an equally ratty side table holding a glass of water. When Roxanne came out, I was stunned by the sight of her. She seemed to be six-feet tall, at least three hundred pounds, taking up most of the tattered loveseat. She had tattoos on both arms and an outfit that looked like it should have been worn by a seventy year old man.When she spoke, the words came out hard and hoarse.

The other day as i was browsing the internet, Roxanne Gay appeared at one of the very top spots of a list of the most influential women in history. One of the least feminine women that I have ever seen, is considered one of the most important women ever. To me, this goes along with the idea in the Handmaid’s tale of what makes a woman. No one wants to be an “unwoman.” Although Roxanne Gay is the real world’s idea of an “unwoman” as opposed to one in Handmaid, it is still inspiring to see her be praised, despite the fact that she is not feminine.

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