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Good mother

How do I define a “good mother”? When asked this question at the beginning of the semester, I mentioned words like loving, supporting and providing. I did not think a mother had to be biological, as I already thought mothering isn’t so much a gender role as an adjective that anyone can do. Anyone can mother, regardless of gender or relation. After reading the many novels the explored femininity in relation to motherhood and gender roles, I discovered that a good mother is not easily defined nor limited. What one person considers a good mother, could be the complete opposite for another. A kind and overly affectionate mother differs from that of an authoritative, strict mother, however they can both be considered “good”. As we have discussed motherhood through the novels, I have seen how diverse the definition is and how the concept of a good mother will continue to evolve with time. Along with motherhood, female identity and women’s roles have and will continue to be challenged. In this generation, other considerations must be made that were not around years ago. What will constitute a good mother as technological advances are made? How will the feminist movement change the definition of motherhood? 

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